Extreme Coupons Money Savers?

Every little cent counts nowadays. What are YOU saving?

Coupons for groceries are found in the Sunday newspapers and selected magazines all over the country but do they really save you money in the long run?

Yes and no. Coupons can save a few cents or a few dollars normally. I have found that if you find a coupon for something already on sale at the store then you can save more on more items if you have more than one coupon for that item. we learn this from those extreme couponers on TV.

For example- If you have a $1.00 off coupon for Dawn dish liquid (smaller size) and the store has their Dawn on sale for $.99 then you can actually get paid for buying those items with multiple coupons for Dawn dish liquid. a penny for each of course is not much but you also get the item for free. Let's say you have 10 coupons for this item- you would get 10 cents total back to you on top of getting the dish liquid for free!!

Now- if the coupon is for $1.00 off 2 of the same items then you need to make sure you NEED and/or WANT those items in your pantry and you need to determine whether or not you will actually use 2 huge containers of mayo within a reasonable amount of time and/or before the expiration date on the containers.
If the answer is Yes then you will save money in the long run on mayo. If the answer is No then you might want to use a better coupon.

What is a better coupon? $1.00 of ONE of an item is always a good deal. Especially if you can find that item at a store on SALE!

Some websites that promise free coupons are not always legit. you go thru printing them out and then the store will not accept them. Check with your favorite stores and see what their coupon policy is. Then go from there. They might have a very useful app for your mobile device that can help out a lot by letting you know in advance of sales and clearanced item. It may also be useful when you are compiling your list in the app. Some stores will let you add items to a list and automatically give you that 'store coupon' price for that item with no printing out of coupons.

Of course Clearance and Bargain bins are always a good catch for quality items. If they aren't up to par Leave them- you may still find a great buy with a coupon or at a different store with better quality items. Furthermore- if you see a clearanced item at a Giant store and the item isn't in good condition you might want to check other store locations for that same clearanced item to check for better quality. (no dented cans or open packaging.

Saving money in these times is no joke. If you already get the newspaper -- check through those inserts. Buy a few papers on a holiday weekend when inserts of coupons are greater in the number of coupons inserted.

You don't have be an extreme couponer to actually save money but find good coupons and you are all set!